ST3 Trauma and Orthopaedic Interview Clinical StationApplying To ST3 Orthopaedics?
This station will be based on a clinical scenario. The time allocated for the Clinical station is ten minutes.
The station includes a mix of anatomy and clinical management.
You will be assessed independently by two interviewers scoring in each of the following domains:
- Technical Knowledge;
- Problem Solving and Decision Making;
- Situational Awareness;
- Communication – Information Gathering;
- Communication – Information Giving.
You will need to be able to manage patients to the level of a ST3 registrar and time should be spent revising anatomy, clinical management and key BOASTs and papers that will help to guide your management.
Interviewers will score you out of 10 across 5 domains:
- Technical Knowledge;
- Problem Solving and Decision Making;
- Situational Awareness;
- Communication – Information Gathering;
- Communication – Information Giving.

Top Tips
- The clinical station tests your core understanding of clinical orthopaedics. Together with direct questions you may be asked to describe radiographs or demonstrate how you would reduce a fracture or examine for a specific pathology
- Interviewers will ask questions quickly to test how you perform under pressure
- Patient safety is key and safe assessment, diagnosis and management of the patient in any given scenario will score you points
- Make sure you know orthopaedic emergencies, common presentations and musculoskeletal anatomy
- Anatomy and clinical scenarios can be tough and practise is key. Our ST3 Orthopaedic Interview Question Bank features over 670 interview questions with a focus on anatomy and clinical scenarios.