ST3 Othopaedics

ST3 Orthopaedic Mock Interview Course

Applying For ST3 Orthopaedics? Want Your First Choice ST3 Orthopaedic Job? Attend The Largest and Most Popular Courses and Try Our Award-Winning Question Bank for Trauma and Orthopaedic Interviews. Let Us Help You Get Your Top Job.

ST3 Orthopaedic Mock Interviews16th March 2025, Online

Here at ST3 Ortho Interview we understand that the best way to succeed at ST3 interview is with early, realistic practise.

Our ST3 Orthopaedic Interview Course is designed to simulate the interview experience and offer feedback and insider tips to help you gain not just a national training number but also your 1st choice job. We coach the highest ranking candidates each year and they return to teach on our course.

Mock interviews are run online for convenience and to maximise practise time and feedback. For 2025 these include communication station practice with actors.

Time Remaining To Book Next Course:

Our ST3 Orthopaedic Mock Interview is a focused mock interview that simulates the real interviews with realistic interview stations and immediate feedback.
Participants rotate in groups of 3-4 so that you learn both from tutors and your peers.

You’ll receive 1 mock interview during the day offering the best opportunity to improve.

Our courses regularly sell out within 7-14 days so please book early to avoid disappointment.

For the ST3 orthopaedic interviews 2024 interviews will be conducted online through a single online interview. To accommodate this our mock interviews in 2024 will consist of a mock online video interview.

Online mock interviews will consist of interview questions matching those on the day together with immediate feedback and follow up feedback following further analysis by our team of experts.

  • ST3 Orthopaedic Mock Interviews
    16th March
  • £597 £467
  • Attended by the highest scoring candidates each year our feedback and results speak for themselves.
  • x1 Mock Interview (AM or PM) with individual feedback + our OI Guarantee!
  • Save £130

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We’ve coached the highest scoring successful candidates at ST3 T&O Interviews every year for the past 7 years.

We’re so confident that our question banks and courses are the best we GUARANTEE that you’ll get a job.

If you don’t we’ll work with you until you do. You’ll get access to all the preparation materials for the following year FREE of charge and we’ll personally work with you to analyse what went wrong and give you the best chance of success.

All we ask is you sign-up to the question bank and complete all of the questions and videos and attend a mock interview course and the knowledge course. This gives the full Ortho Interview preparation experience.

ST3 Orthopaedic Mock Interview Course Programme

Our ST3 Orthopaedic Mock Interview Courses are held in December and February to give you plenty of time to act on feedback, improve your portfolio and enhance your interview technique. The course is designed to put you under pressure and simulate the real interviews as accurately as possible while enabling you to compare yourself with other candidates and get as much exposure to interview technique as possible. Typically the highest scoring candidates attend both the knowledge and mock interview courses to give a complete understanding of the interview process.

For 2025 our ST3 Orthopaedic Mock Interview Course will consist of an online mock interview held online during the course before the interview week to give you plenty of time to act on feedback, improve your knowledge and enhance your interview technique. The mock interviews are designed to put you under pressure and simulate the real interviews as accurately as possible while enabling you to compare yourself with other candidates and get as much exposure to interview technique as possible.

Mock Orthopaedic Interviews

Portfolio, Clinical, Communication and Prioritisation stations
x1 full mock interview
30 minute mocks
Feedback from SpRs and peers
Online for maximum convenience
Unique scenarios covering common topics
Groups of 3-4 to maximise questions covered
Personalised feedback to highlight areas for improvement
Top tips from last year's successful candidates

See What Our Past Course Attendees Thought

We reviewed over 5000 ST3 orthopaedic CVs and applications, interviewed over 2000 successful candidates and always love hearing how the candidates that we have coached have not only got a job but have secured their top ranked job in their hospital and city of choice for core surgical training.

The Venue

Since 2013 candidates from all around the UK and abroad have been coming to Bristol for our courses. Not only is Bristol a fantastic city and venue the process of travelling helps to further simulate the actual interview process.

Our ST3 Ortho Mock Interview Course is held in the scenic Engineers' House, Clifton Village, Bristol. Engineers' House is located near to Clifton Suspension Bridge and is a 10 minutes taxi ride or 20 minute bus ride from Bristol Temple Meads station.

The venue is a 2 minute walk from Clifton Village where you will find an eclectic mix of bars, restaurants and boutiques as well as useful high street shops.

Brunel’s Clifton Suspension Bridge, the Observatory and the famous Clifton downs are all within 3 minutes walk of Engineers House and a perfect place to escape to at the end of the ST3 Orthopaedic Interview course.

Key Venue Info

ST3 Ortho Interview Venue
Getting To The ST3 Ortho Interview Knowledge Course

The nearest train station is Bristol Temple Meads, a 10 minute taxi journey from Engineers’ House. Get the bus for £1.50 (see below) from the station to Clifton Village.

Taxi ranks can be found at the train station. When leaving Engineers’ House the on site team can book one for you. We advise booking ahead to avoid waiting when you depart.

The number 8 and 9 buses stop directly outside Engineer’s House every 10 minutes and depart from the city centre and Bristol Temple Meads train station.


  • 1. How much does the course cost?
    ST3 Ortho Interview Course costs £597 £467 for the day at a reduced promotional price. The course includes 1 mock interview.
  • 2. Who can attend?
    Anyone wishing to apply to ST3 T&O specialty training. This includes CT1/2 trainees, LATS and LASs.
  • 3. I am a CT1. Can I still attend?
    Yes. CT1s have the added bonus of an extra year in which to act on feedback and improve their portfolios and interview technique.
  • 4. Where is the course held?
    The ST3 Ortho Mock Interview Course is held at the scenic Engineers' House Clifton Village, Bristol.
    The ST3 Ortho Mock Interview Course will be held online.
  • 5. How many places are there?
    To provide personalised feedback and maximise the time each participant has at each station only 24 places are available on the course. It is important to sign up early to avoid disappointment. The courses are extremely popular.
  • 6. What should I wear?
    The course simulates the real interview and participants should dress as such. Suits for men and smart attire for women.
  • 7. Do I need to prepare before attending?
    Although it is not necessary to prepare for the mocks, the more you put in the more you will get out. Ensuring that you know the management of common orthopaedic emergencies and are familiar with your portfolio is a good start. The free materials and reading list found on this website should suffice.

    You will also be asked to complete a short self-assessment questionnaire and send this together with your CV to us ahead of time to facilitate feedback on the portfolio station
  • 8. Are there any discounts available?
    Yes. For candidates attending both Knowledge Course and Mock Interviews a discounted rate is available.
  • 9. Are there any extras or bonuses?
    Prior to attending the course you will be asked to complete a short summary sheet similar to the self-assessment questions appearing in the ST3 online application. By analysing this together with your CV ahead of time interviewers at the portfolio station will be able to more accurately provide personalised feedback while ensuring that the station runs to time.
  • 10. What is the success rate of candidates from previous courses?
    The OI Mock interview course is the most successful and popular in the UK. In 2021 7 of the top 10 candidates attended. We are delighted that of the 32 candidates who attended both our knowledge and interview courses in 2021 91% secured posts within their chosen deanery. 86% of candidates even managed to secure a post in their top 5 deanery-ranked hospitals. Overall 96.4% secured a national training number.
  • 11. What is the format of the online mock interviews?
    The online interviews are delivered in groups with a single person receiving a 1-1 interview from interviewers with personalised feedback while other candidates have mics muted. This gives you maximum exposure to questions and a realistic experience of answering questions under pressure.
    At each mock interview course your will receive 1 mock interview.
  • 12. What are the cancellation policy and terms and conditions that I accept upon purchase.
    Upon the purchase of a mock interview or course, you enter into an agreement with ST3 Ortho Interview as outlined in our full Terms and Conditions.

    These are summarised on the course payment page.

    Cancellations more than one month before the date of the course will incur a 25% deduction of total cost of registration.
    Cancellations less than one month, but more than 14 days from the conference will incur a 50% deduction of the total cost of registration.
    Cancellations less than 2 weeks from the date of the course will unfortunately be unable to be refunded as by then final numbers will have been confirmed.

    Lectures and stations may be altered in timing, content or format on the day to ensure maximum interactivity, participation and timing.
    Should you receive a mock interview or attend the full course you will not be eligible for a refund either partial or full.
    ST3 Ortho Interview interview courses and mock interviews are delivered by current Orthopaedic registrars who have successfully passed the ST3 Orthopaedic Interview. ST3 Ortho Interview is not responsible for the content delivered by registrars and all views are their own.
  • 13. I want to ask something else
    Drop us a message via the website contact form and we’ll assist as best we can both pre and post-registration.
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